Monday, November 17, 2008

Brennan Manning Is Awesome

Misty gave me 5 books by Brennan Manning 2 years ago, and i have only read 1; i don't know why, because i LOVE him. I read this in The Wisdom of Tenderness today. This quote supports a point he makes about how Christians must follow their Pro-Life stance out in every aspect of life:

"How i treat a brother from day to day, how i react to the sin-scarred wino on the street, how i respond with normal people in their normal unbelief on a normal day--all this may reveal my reverence or irreverence for the Abba of Jesus more tellingly than the anti-abortion sticker on the bumper of my car.

Were not in favor of life simply because we're warding off death. We're for life because we are for Abba, the essence of life. And we mature in the wisdom of accepted tenderness to the extent that we stand up for the less fortunate; to the extent that no human flesh is a stranger to us; to the extent that we can touch the hand of another in love; to the extent that for us there truly are no "others".

This is what the world expects from our rhetoric. This is what the world longs to see: men and women who honor the Father by their reverence for life, prophets and lovers aglow with the given tenderness of Jesus' own Spirit, people who live only to love and to reveal love to others. The world craves evidence that the impossible dream is possible, that love exists, that it has a name, that it's the only option for happiness in this world and eternal joy in the next."

Did i mention i love Brennan Manning? He has been accused by Christian Leaders of "over doing it" in respect to the Grace of God...


A Southern Wedding Belle said...

Okay - I really love that quote. Maybe I would love Brennan Manning too! Could I borrow that book?

Keith said...

Thanks for posting the quote. When it talked about being for life not just because we're against death, it reminded me of how "shalom" or peace is more than the absence of violence. In hebrew it's an active peace that is alive and working. I want to know that love that's more than just not hating but is abundant and overflowing.

PS I made a fool of myself at work because I couldn't stop giggling at the floppy panda battle. It was almost in slow motion and when the one panda got on the ledge and body dropped the other I almost pooped in my pants. See ya tomorrow.

carolineb said...

I love him, too. I want to love like that. Maybe you're afraid to read all the books because then you'd be done with all the books.