Monday, July 14, 2008

Day 6: Why should I give you some of my Coke?

Saw Donnie, my older brother, and his wife Katie tonight at the Marietta Pizza Company. My Dad, Susan, Nathan, and Sammy all gathered to see them, and to celebrate Misty and my B'day (21st and 23rd of this month). It amazed me how excited I was to see Donnie D; your older brother is just kind of your older brother until you grow up...then you start to realize how awesome he is. I feel that way about all my siblings. It is a strange blessing I am seeing more and more; the ability to develop a new "type" of relationship with the same people that you ran around with in your "tighty whities".

A concept that keeps bouncing around in my mind comes from something Tom Tanner quoted the other day. Jim Elliot said "Wherever you are, be all there". He says this in regards to people who miss what God might have for them in the place they are, because they are daydreaming about missions to Africa. To the average evangelical Christian, this idea of living a missionary/college ministry/inner city/whatever life is put on a pedestal...and if your not careful, you decide you have missed something in God's plan for you because you aren't there. Meanwhile, there are people at work crying out for something to make sense of their life, and their pain. I want to be open to Africa, if it is in the plan; but i also want to have a big enough faith to see his calling for me in my medium sized engineering/surveying firm.


Elaine Davis said...

Kelly! I'm glad you are an updating fiend these days. But I refuse to listen to your country mix. Your thoughts are great. thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Dude...don't want to burst any bubbles, but your link to "our" blog is actually a link to Sean Kirkland's...with our name on it. lol.

Also--I see you have fallen down on your 30 day commitment...bring on the Davisness!