Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Sunrise at Sea

Bahamas Sunrise3, originally uploaded by kellydavisgt.

I took this picture last weekend off the back of a cruise ship on the way back from the Bahamas. It makes me think of the time in the creation story where there was just water, and God's spirit hovering over the deep. It seems so empty, but so beautiful; It was almost as if i was entruding on the quiet vastness of the sea and sky. I realized that this sunrise would still be beautiful even if my loud, obnoxious cruise ship wasn't cutting through it's horizon. I realized that God is not like me. He doesn't need for someone to see his art, to declare it beautiful. His view of himself does not rise and fall with criticism and praise. So I stood looking at this sunrise, and God did not ask "what do you think", but said something much quieter...something of his unfailing love that continues to cause the sun to rise and set; something of his desire for my joy, and something of his goodness.

I thought, "Mom would have enjoyed this sunset", but i knew what I really meant was that i would have enjoyed sharing it with her. I have to interpret God's meaning in the sunrise, i have to fight the schedule and the noise and the pursuit of happiness to try to see it for what it is; and i still can't fully; but she is engaged in a beauty that fulfills her purpose, and knows her completely.

"When i look on your heavens, and the work of your fingers, the moon and stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him" Ps. 8:3-4

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